Pastors, Second Chair, and Lay Leaders benefit from a safe and confidential space to work through the opportunities and challenges prompting discovery for their way forward. Schedule a complimentary mini session.
Ministry Mastermind
As a ministry leader, you are pouring out all the time. A Ministry Mastermind is designed to be a community of support who pour into each other as a community of similar-minded leaders who provide mutual support for each other. We will:
- Pray together for the Lord to inspire our work
- Give voice to and incubate emerging ideas
- Brainstorm and think outside the box
- Receive encouragement and feedback
- Experience growth as leaders
- Collaborate and partner when opportunities present
- Celebrate what the Lord is doing among us
Download more information
The best way to lead your church into the future is honoring the congregation’s values and where you’ve been in the past. There’s no “silver bullet.” The way forward is through healthy conversations that stretch thinking and allow you to discover the unique path for your congregation.
Your team will gain:
- FOCUS through deeper understanding of your congregation’s strengths
- DIRECTION through discerning needs and opportunities in your target community
- ACTION PLAN for effective ministry
- SUSTAINABILITY through well-led implementation
Dowload the Church Vision Assessment, share with others on your team, then compile and discuss the responses to consider how focused and aligned you are.
Envisioning Retreat
Designed to open the eyes of your congregation to the opportunities in your community. This one-day Envisioning Retreat is a great way to engage your members in the process of looking at your community and your congregation’s mission strategy through fresh lenses. We explore the needs and opportunities in your community and begin to identify the areas of strength in your congregation to meet them. Everyone leaves encouraged and hopeful.
Strategic Visioning
- Who are we today?
- What is our vision for the future? and How will we get there?
- How can we increase engagement with the mission?
- How can we better understand the mission opportunities in our community and prepare to meet them?
- How do we guide our church through a change process that is unifying?
If your congregation is asking similar questions, you are at a unique point of opportunity to envision a hopeful future.
The process of Strategic Visioning enables your congregation to assess the needs and opportunities in your current mission field, bring an understanding of the collective potential in your congregations, and uncover the passions that will motivate your mission. By engaging in the Strategic Visioning process, you’ll take a courageous step in leading your congregation into the future.
Outreach Coaching
- Is your congregation SMALL to MID-SIZED or a NEW START?
- Do you have BIG DREAMS that have yet to take off?
- Are you ready for a FRESH LOOK at your community and ministry efforts?
- Do you have a WILLING LEADER or team?
We begin with what’s STRONG, not with what’s wrong.
…matching the gifts and capacity of your congregation with the needs in the community.
Lifecycle Discernment
Congregations sometimes reach the point where leaders begin wondering how sustaining the current ministry is possible? This is an opportune time to begin exploring the options in front of you and engaging the congregation in a conversation around making critical lifecycle decisions.
Each congregation, community, and circumstance is unique and there is not one right solution that fits across the board. Discerning the way forward is one of discovery. Gaining perspective and discovering options will help the congregation assess how the Lord is calling you to move forward.