First Lutheran Church, a congregation of older members, and Concordia Preparatory School , a school of middle and high school students, wanted to develop a Towson area ministry, with a school campus and a Lutheran congregation on that campus to serve the community. Representatives from both entities were willing, but lacked the strategies to move forward in an organized and productive way. Asking Tina Jasion of Faithful Innovation to join our group as lead coach was the best move we could have made. Without her planning, guidance, and insight we were wandering in the desert.
Tina scheduled meetings and outlined agendas that allowed us to move sequentially from a church and a school to a unified group. She, through her questioning and her past experience, helped the members of the team develop trust and confidence in one another and in the potential and probable success of the project.
Tina’s leadership allowed First Lutheran Church and Concordia Preparatory School to clearly define who we are serving and to develop our ministry from that point. With her nudging, listening, and guidance we inched our way to a finished product that includes a covenant between the two bodies, an organizational chart that we use to further our ministry, and the formation of the Joint Ministry Council.
It is difficult to cite the single most important quality that Tina embodied as our coach, but certainly her approach as knowledgeable and dedicated servant of the Word was paramount. I don’t know that we could have achieved the degree of success and pride in our accomplishments without Tina’s leadership and her ability to move our ideas into successful action.