A “church” may have finished its season in a particular location, though the Lord’s ministry lives on as a legacy of this faithful congregation.
Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?
I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.
Isaiah 43:19
On Saturday, October 2, 2021 First Evangelical Lutheran Church of Towson Maryland held its final Celebration of Life worship service in the sanctuary at 40 E. Burke Avenue, Towson, Maryland. First Lutheran Church made a faith-filled, legacy decision to “move on and plant,” directly blessing two gospel-focused ministries.
The legacy continues as the baton of ministry is passed…

Like many congregations, First Lutheran had been experiencing waning energy for many years. In 2018, their pastor accepted a call out of state and they began the process of discerning how the Lord was leading them forward. Upon reading the book “Legacy Churches” by Stephen Gray and Franklin Dumond, they actively pursued a ministry opportunity with Concordia Preparatory School in Towson.
What used to be a majority Lutheran student body is now a mission field. Concordia Preparatory School, formerly known as Baltimore Lutheran Middle and High School, has also made adjustments to meet the challenges and needs of our changing culture. In 2014 the school adopted a new name to communicate more effectively to prospective students who were not already attending Lutheran elementary schools, as the robust network that used to exist in Baltimore has also declined. What seems like a challenge is also an opportunity – – to be a Gospel presence in the midst of a new generation of students and families, many of whom are not connected to a family of faith. Though it was uncertain what the future may be, First Lutheran was responding to God’s call.
Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies,
it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.
Whoever loves his life loses it, and whoever hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
If anyone serves me, he must follow me; and where I am, there will my servant be also.
If anyone serves me, the Father will honor him.
John 12:24-26
Betty Kansler, president of First Lutheran led the congregation through a year-long discernment and visioning process facilitated by Director of Christian Outreach and Ministry Development Coach Tina Jasion, and her coaching practice of Faithful Innovation. A unified vision developed between First Lutheran and Concordia Preparatory School to call a Mission Developer who would also serve as a Campus Pastor to serve a student body and their families, the majority of whom are not connected to any Christian church. A joint call was issued to Rev. Peter Couser, who being so moved by the willingness of a church to “die” for the sake of the Gospel accepted the call and the vision for what has become “New Thing” began to take shape. Leaders from First Lutheran and Concordia Preparatory School met regularly for a year with an overarching question: “What may the Lord have for us to do together in this place?”
A unified vision developed to call a Mission Developer who would also serve as a Campus Pastor to serve a student body and their families, the majority of whom are not connected to any Christian church. A joint call was issued to Rev. Peter Couser, who being so moved by the willingness of a church to “die” for the sake of the Gospel accepted the call and the vision for what has become “New Thing” began to take shape.

First Lutheran has hosted another ministry on their campus since 2011, Horizon Church. The church property and an adjoining house has been purchased by Horizon, who will continue the Gospel ministry in that location.
First Lutheran prayed the words from Psalm 71 as they discerned what God was doing among them with open hands.
O God, from my youth you have taught me,
and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.
So even to old age and gray hairs,
O God, do not forsake me,
until I proclaim your might to another generation,
your power to all those to come.
Psalm 71:17-18
Through their faithful response, First Lutheran has provided for two ministries:
Rev. Peter Couser – Campus Pastor and Mission Developer -
Brent Johnson – Headmaster, Concordia Preparatory School

Well done, good and faithful servants! It has been my joy and privilege to walk with you this season of joy as we experienced the Lord painting a new ministry vision, also mixed with the sorrow of letting go. Through your faithfulness, may these ministries bear much fruit for years to come and provide an example for others finding themselves in a similar season of ministry.
In Christ alone +
Tina Jasion,
Ministry Development Coach
(I hope to share a series of articles outlining more details of our process in the weeks to come… stay tuned)
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